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How to change wordpad font style & wordpad full explanation


Req. Steps to apply bullet style :-

A. Select desired list

B. Click on home + paragraph

C. Click on start list button

D. Select desired Bullet style

  2nd method 

A. Select desired list

B. Press ctrl + shift + l

⭐️ Shortcut key to change font style

👉Press ctrl + B :-> apply bold style

👉press ctrl + i :-> oblige Italic style

👉press ctrl + U :-> apply underline style

👉press ctrl + shift + > :- increase font size

👉press ctrl + shift + > :-decrease  font size 

👉press ctrl + = :- subscript style 

👉press ctrl + shift + = :- superscript style

👉press ctrl + shift + A :- change text to capital letters

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 तो दुनिया हिला

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